annon_api v0.16.2 Annon.Plugins.Monitoring

This plugin measures or receives performance metrics from other parts of Annon and sends them to StatsD server.

It is enabled by default and can not be disabled without rebuilding Annon container.

It can be used with DataDog agent.

Link to this section Summary


Loads Plugin features from application configuration and modifies request features

Validates JSON Schema that can be used to validate Plugin settings

Validates Plugin settings

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function execute(conn, map, settings)

Executes Plugin.

Receives Annon.Plugin.Request structure, which allows Plugin to:

  • Set properties for upstream request (in conn.assigns.upstream_request).
  • Modify connection if this feature was enabled.

Callback implementation for Annon.Plugin.execute/3.

Link to this function prepare(request)

Loads Plugin features from application configuration and modifies request features.

Link to this function settings_validation_schema()

Validates JSON Schema that can be used to validate Plugin settings.

Callback implementation for Annon.Plugin.settings_validation_schema/0.

Link to this function validate_settings(changeset)

Validates Plugin settings.

Callback implementation for Annon.Plugin.validate_settings/1.